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Glossary of Internet terms. Underlined orange links point to terms within this Glossary.

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  1. Java

  2. JavaScript

  3. JDK

  4. Job

  5. Junk Mail / Junk Email

  6. Justify

  1. Java

    JavaTM is a platform independant programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (the company that sued MiscrosoftTM). Platform independant means the program can be run on any machine, be it a Mac, PC, phone or Television. Anyone can learn Java for free by downloaing the JDK (Java Development Kit). See also Beans

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  2. JavaScript

    JavaScript is an object oriented scripting language developed by Netscape. It has a core set of objects and language elements, which are further extended by either Client or Server side JavaScript.

    Server Side JavaScript has capabilities similar to other server side languages such as Perl and ASP.

    Client Side Javascript is executed by the client (a browser) and does not communicate with the server at all. This is what make JavaScript so popular and appealing to developers. Code is embeded into HTML documents and once downloaded by a browser, it kind of creates it's own little world shared by it, the browser and the end user.

    What the above means is, a developer does not need to be connected to the internet to develop and test Javascripts.

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  3. JDK

    Accronym for : Java Development Kit. A freely distributed package available from SUn Java Corporation that is used to develop Java applets and applications. It includes a compiler, documentaion and applet viewer.

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  4. Job

    In UNIX, a synonym for Process. A single task sent to the CPU for processing. CPUs capable of Multithreading can handle hundreds of tasks simultaneously.

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  5. Junk Mail / Junk Email

    Email received that was unsolicited or unwanted. Similar to Junk mail received in the post. Junk Email is now govenrned by rules and regulations in most countries. One requirement is the inclusion of a "Removal" link which removes the subscriber/receiver from the senders database.

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  6. Justify

    The insertion of extra spacing between words to align both the left and right sides of paragraphs. Similar to newspaper print. This entire FAQ, and just about every page on our website uses justified text. Justification can cause problems when the area you have to work with is too narrow, it will cause sparse hard to read text because of long blank spacing between words. The justify value was introduced for the web in HTML 4 and is used within the align attribute of a div tag :

    <div align="justify">This text will be justified </div>

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