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Final Chapter


This chapter will cover meta tags and help you transfer your pages on to the www. To do so , you will need to get yourself an ftp program. You can download a free trial version of CuteFTP from the link at the bottom of this page.

Meta tags

Meta tags are read by search engine 'spiders' that come around and read your keywords/description and use this information to index your page. All meta tags are placed between the <head> tags at the top of your page. These tags are self explanatory so I wont go into too much detail. None of these tags or their contents will be visible on your page. Only by viewing the source will your visitors be able to see them. To supply keywords to spiders use this:

<meta name="keywords" content="type, words, here, separated, by , a , comma">

To tell your potential visitors who have found your page via a search engine, what your site is about use this:

<meta name="description" content="This page is about blah blah blah. Here you will find yadda yadda yadda. Keep this description short and informative.">

To leave your stamp on the page use this:

<meta name="author" content="Your name">

To deny robots or spiders the ability to index your page use this:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">


On occasion after uploading your page to the web , it looks a little different from what you expected. The cause could be any number of reasons. Here are just a few.
  1. The cAsE on your image file names do 'nt match the case on your script.
  2. You uploaded in binary form instead of ASCII. All text files should be uploaded in ASCII form. All images, java class files and zip files should be uploaded in binary form.
  3. You may have forgotten to upload all files or you renamed them.

Here I will explain how to use CuteFTP to upload your files. First you need to add some information about the host you want to connect to. We add this to CuteFTP's site manager (Fig. 1) which can be found under 'File'. Its like a little address book for cute ftp 'phonenumbers' . After you enter this info , you can then 'speed dial' anyone of your many hosts. Ok.

In the 'Label' section , enter any easy name for this site.
Next, in the 'Ftp host address' section , enter the url you want to connect to. You'll need to either ask your host or visit their homepage.
Then enter your user name and password (the same ones you got when you signed up with your host or isp). Leave ' Ftp site connection port' as 21 and press 'Connect'.
You should now be logging on to your hosts harddrive.

Figure 1

Once connected you can easily transfer files from our hard drive to the servers hard drive. But first you log in to the public_html or www or htdocs directory by double clicking it. You should see a folder on the your servers hard drive under 'Name' ( middle right in next pic Fig. 1.1 ). Once inside the public_html directory the first file you upload should be an html file that must be named index.html or index.htm . You do this by clicking on your file (from the left side of Fig 1.1) and dragging it to our servers hard drive(right side Fig.1.1).

Figure 1.1


We have helped you successfully upload your files and create a web page / site. Using the information contained within this ebooklet may cause your computer to self destruct.

Whats next

A logical step from here would be to continue learning (duh). I have covered around half ( maybe less ) of the attributes found in html. By now you should be competent enough to put a web site together. The next language usually approached by coders is Javascript. Although easy to learn, it has much more complex functions and statements. Here is a link to a good starting point. Web Monkey

Good luck and happy learning.

Download CuteFTP4 Trial version 1.3 meg

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