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  1. How do I upgrade to the latest version, will I have to rebuild my FAQs?

  2. Can I add keywords in my answers so the search produces better results?

  3. How do I link to printer friendly versions?

  4. How do I link to the built in search engine?

  5. Sometimes the keywords entered are not highlighted in the results.

  6. Will my keywords, titles and descriptions be searched by the built in search engine?

  7. How do I allow file uploads in my custom forms?

  8. How do I link to the Built in Submit a Question Form?

  9. How do I create Custom forms?

  10. I'm using custom forms, can I make some fields required?

  1. How do I upgrade to the latest version, will I have to rebuild my FAQs?

    To upgrade to the latest version, use the Regular Order Form. In the comments field, make note of your original Order ID and state that you would like the patch to the latest version. This will enable you to retain all current FAQs.

    If we can verify your original purchase, we'll apply a 20% discount before charging your card.

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  2. Can I add keywords in my answers so the search produces better results?

    Plus version only. Yes! Simply add the keywords in regular HTML comment tags. This will ensure they do not show up on the HTML page itself. See example below

    <!-- find me, keyword, text match, password -->

    No need for commas, just separate words with spaces. When a search is performed, all words you enter in the hidden comment tag will also be searched.

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  3. How do I link to printer friendly versions?

    Plus version only. Add this URL to your header in the "Settings" or to the header insert of each category :


    Remember to enter the correct path to the location of your faq.cgi script. Build a FAQ Plus will know which page to print and will even print search results.

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  4. How do I link to the built in search engine?

    Plus version only. You need to create a search form, see the Search chapter of the User Guide for more information.

    Top of Page

  5. Sometimes the keywords entered are not highlighted in the results.

    Plus version only. This will occur if the matching question or answer contains a hyperlink. If we wrapped a font tag around the URL, the hyperlink would be broken.

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  6. Will my keywords, titles and descriptions be searched by the built in search engine?

    Plus version only. Of course.

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  7. How do I allow file uploads in my custom forms?

    Plus version only. First, it's imperative that you include the following enctype attribute in your <form> tag :

    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    Using the above enctype changes the default MIME type used to encode form data, to one more suitable for file uploads.

    Then you need to create a File input field and name it "FILEn" where "n" is any unique number and "FILE" is in uppercase. E.g.

    <input type="File" name="FILE1">

    Place the above tag in your custom built form. Yes, you can also build custom forms, just be sure to retain the field names in the default form (fname, lname, email etc.). All custom fields and data will be listed beneath each submission on the "New Questions" page. However, once you have dealt with a question, the form data is deleted.

    Files will be uploaded to a directory named "files" which resides in the folder your FAQs are stored in (FAQ Folder).

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  8. How do I link to the Built in Submit a Question Form?

    Plus version only. Add this URL to your header in the "Settings" or to the header insert of each category :


    Remember to enter the correct path to the location of your faq.cgi script.

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  9. How do I create Custom forms?

    Plus version only. Load the built in Form and view the source code. Copy it and use it as the starting base for your new form. You will need the following hidden field :

    <input type="Hidden" name="action" value="submit">

    You must also make sure the form's action attribute points to the faq.cgi script. E.g.

    <form action="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/faq.cgi?submit" method="post">

    And finally, make sure you retain the form field names found in the Built in Form. E.g. cat, fname, lname, email, etc.

    You may also optionally use an additional hidden field for the subject :

    <input type="Hidden" name="subject" value="Your favorite Subject">

    although it doesn't necessarily need to be hidden, it could be a Select menu or Text field. You may also add as many custom fields as you like in any format, however we suggest the following format :

    <input type="Hidden" name="Date_of_Birth">

    The above format uses underscores _ to separate words. Your custom fields are listed in the admin section underneath each question submitted. Build A FAQ will automatically replace the underscores with spaces, making the field name easier to read when reviewing questions.

    N.B. Once a question has been dealt with, the custom data is lost. If you wish to retain custom data, we suggest you add it to the answer as either visible or HTML commented text.

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  10. I'm using custom forms, can I make some fields required?

    Plus version only. Yes, use the following hidden field in your custom form :

    <input type="Hidden" name = "required" value="fname,email">

    separate the required field names with commas (but no spaces).

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