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Upload Gold         List of Categories         Submit A Question

  1. How do I add a link to a member's files in the notification e-mails?

  2. Can this script be set up to serve as a image hosting service?

  3. Can a user upload multiple images simultaneously?

  4. How do I link to the sign up page in Version 4.2+ ?

  5. How do users find their lost passwords?

  6. Does Upload Gold upload HTML files?

  7. How can Upload Gold be sure a file has really been uploaded?

  8. If I resize a members folder ( limit ), will any files be deleted?

  9. I have purchased more than one copy of Upload Gold, but I don't want to have retype the translations in to each. Is there a quicker way?

  10. How do I change the Super administrator's pass (pre version 4)?

  11. How do I login as the subordinate administrator?

  12. The folder I chose for image uploads is not being created, why?

  13. When I login to the admin section as a member, I see the full set of control panel links, why?

  1. How do I add a link to a member's files in the notification e-mails?


    Add the above link in the e-mail templates found in the Settings area.

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  2. Can this script be set up to serve as a image hosting service?

    Yes, it sure can. Switch the "Self Registration" option to "No" so users can not register until you've been payed. Each user then links to their own folder/files.

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  3. Can a user upload multiple images simultaneously?

    You can set how many browse buttons will appear on the Upload Form, however a user can not select multiple files to attach to one upload field. Each file uploaded must be input into one upload field. When the user submits the form, all selected files will be uploaded.

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  4. How do I link to the sign up page in Version 4.2+ ?

    You can add a link in the HTML Source. It should point to :


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  5. How do users find their lost passwords?

    The lost pass link appears when someone tries to sign up with a username that's already in use. You can also add the link to the header / footer from the Admin Settings page. The link you should use is :

    <a href="javascript:lost_pass();">Lost Pass?</a>

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  6. Does Upload Gold upload HTML files?

    Yes, it will upload any file type you specify in the admin section. The script looks at the last 4 characters of the file being uploaded and matches them against what you have entered as allowed file types. To accept GIF and HTML files you would enter:

    .gif html

    In Version 4+, you just enter the extensions (without the periods), e.g.

    gif jpg html shtml zip

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  7. How can Upload Gold be sure a file has really been uploaded?

    It can't be absolutely certain the whole file was uploaded. But what it does do is check the folder for the file name and if found and it has a size of 1 byte or more, it will state that the file was uploaded.

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  8. If I resize a members folder ( limit ), will any files be deleted?

    No. Upload Gold will simply check the folder size the next time the member uploads a file and delete only the file that was just uploaded.

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  9. I have purchased more than one copy of Upload Gold, but I don't want to have retype the translations in to each. Is there a quicker way?

    Yes. Login to the server where the lang file has been updated.


    That's where data files are stored.

    You're looking for :

    lang.langlang.bak <- the language file and its backup
    code.listcode.bak <- the table code and its backup
    bcode.listbcode.bak <- the other table and its backup

    Just so you know

    config.ftf config.bak <- the settings file and its backup

    adminpass.file adminpass.bak <- guess

    All data files are backed up so that if one is corrupted due to multiple simultaneous openings ( by website visitors ) the backup will be automatically restored.

    Anyway, download the files you want, then upload them to the equivalent folder on the new server. Overwrite the existing files.


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  10. How do I change the Super administrator's pass (pre version 4)?

    When you are logged in as the Super administrator, you will see a text link at the top right of the panel labeled "Supers pass". Click on that link to change your pass.

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  11. How do I login as the subordinate administrator?

    When you set up Upload Gold, both administrators have the same username and pass. You should then click on the "Change Pass" button from the control panel and enter your username and password, then enter a new username and password for the Subordinate administrator. Now click the "Exit" button and login as the subordinate administrator.

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  12. The folder I chose for image uploads is not being created, why?

    Upload Gold will create folder up to 5 levels deep from the root level. That is, you can specify a folder path that looks like this:


    Any further and Upload Gold will not create the destination folder. You will need to either manually create the folders yourself, or contact us for a custom edit.

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  13. When I login to the admin section as a member, I see the full set of control panel links, why?

    When you successfully login to the admin section, a temporary cookie is set. This cookie can be erased in one of two ways.

    1) Close the browser window.
    2) Click the "Exit" button.

    You must erase the cookie before logging in as a member. A member will only see one row of control panel links.

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