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CGI Perl Script Form Mailer Comparison Chart

Price Tag Script Name
$25 Attachment Form Mailer
$39 Attachment Form Mailer Plus
$69 Attachment Form Mailer Gold
$99 Attachment Form Mailer Platinum
  Comparison Chart - All Form Mailer Scripts You are here

Key Features found in our Formmailers Stnrd. Plus Gold Platinum
  Buy Buy Buy Buy
Free Support is available for all three versions Free Support available
Ever wonder why you get so much spam from your own forms? We've built in measures to ensure no-one but you can use your scripts Security measure to prevent Form hi-jacking
Print any of the data entered in to your forms in both the Admin and Customer Autoresponders. E.g. Thanks [Name] Custom Autoresponders
All file types accepted. You decide which types are approved Files uploaded via Website Forms delivered to your Inbox
Regular version does not have an On/Off switch Switch off delivery of files to your Inbox (just upload to server)  
File delivery has been tested with Yahoo Mail, Outlook, Outlook Express, Hotmail, Eudora, Netscape mail and a lot more, on both Mac and PC Tested with all major E-mail Clients
Supports HTML and plain text mail formats Rich HTML and Plain Text email supported
There is no need to add your email address to your forms, so harvesters will not find your email. Admin emails are controlled via the Admin section E-mail harvester protection
Run formmailer on secure server Compatible with SSL Secure Servers
Use your own Custom HTML forms so you have complete control of look and feel of your forms Use your own Custom HTML Forms
Define which of your Form fields must be addressed by your visitors Defined required fields for your Forms
Allows forms to be password-protected Password protect forms to prevent spam
Redirect customers to your own Custom HTML Thank You page after form is submitted Redirect to Custom Thank You page
Works with all binary and ASCII files including bmp, csv, doc, dot, gif, html, jpeg, pot, pdf, rtf, txt, xls, and xlt, but allows you to restrict file types and maximum size All file types accepted
Allow customers to Preview Form Submissions Preview of Form submissions supported  
Generates source code and live test Forms in the Administration Section to quickly test new Forms before going live. Generates source code and live test Forms  
Edit Formmail submissions form Admin section Edit Form submissions via Admin Section  
Set custom sort order for form fields, exports and autoresponders Set Sorting order of Form fields Yes
Manage multiple forms, each with it's own settings Manage unlimited Forms located on your website  
Automatically send files to visitors that fill in your forms. Select which files are to be delivered Send Customer Autoresponders with files attached  
Print any of the data entered in to your forms on your own custom Thank You page Personalized 'Thank you' web pages after form submissions  
Search all submissions stored on your server Database Search engine built in to Admin Section  
Send notifications of new submissions to multiple recipients E-mail notifications sent to multiple Admin specified recipients  
Export Data to plain text or MS Excel CSV file Export submissions as CSV files for batch processing or for backups  
Set your own Tracking ID for each form submission Incremental Unique Tracking ID Numbers  
Set your own Tracking ID for each form submission User directed email notifications with no need for email addresses in your forms  
Create a Sequence of Forms with Back and Forward Buttons Multiple Paged Forms Supported    
Generates JavaScript to validat eForms Prior to Submission JavaScript Form validation code automatically generated      
Generates JavaScript to validat eForms Prior to Submission File transfer Progress meter      
Generates HTML Code for Forms using Click n Build FormBuilder Form Maker      
Generates HTML Code for Forms using Click n Build FormBuilder Translate script messages to your country's primary language.      
Captcha codes. security codes on generated gif images to prevet spam robots filling in forms Captcha Code to prevent robots spamming your forms.      
  Buy Buy Buy Buy
  Stnrd. Plus Gold Platinum
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